The etiological concept of ailments and the methodology of treatment varies among the different methods of medicine. However, the mode of disorder identification (Nosological identification ) is common for all systems. It’s a fact that the close association between illness identification and therapeutic diagnosis prevailed in Modern medication may not be seen in additional holistic systems, however, a diagnosis has its importance even in other systems. The style of therapy could be either holistic therapy, specific therapy, symptomatic therapy, and general lifestyle support to the patient. Modern medicine gives more significance to the specific therapy, whereas, systems like Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Siddha, Unani, Chinese medicine, Naturopathy, etc. give more importance to the holistic concept of therapy, i. e. remedy section by thinking about the physical, psychological and psychological characters and life situation of the sick person.
However, in such systems also, disease diagnosis is equally important, because, under certain situations, the operation of the organ or the system of the body needs to be backed up. The individual may also require some specific type of aid, for that the penis treatments must be installed. Apart from that, disease diagnosis is important for planning the disease management measures, prognosis, particular precautions, to know the life-threatening situations, prevention of spreading of this disease to other people. Diagnosis is very essential for statistics, study, and to fulfill academic pursuits. Above all, because of medico-legal reasons, the physician ought to know the detailed health status of his patient. Due to all these reasons, disease identification is a must, despite the system of treatment provided to the patient.
Disease identification and curative diagnosis can be regarded as the 2 sides of the same coin, so, therefore, both are having equal importance. Disease diagnosis is done by correlating the signs and symptoms of these patients (clinical characteristics ) together with the information given from the bystanders along with the laboratory investigation reports. In certain situations, there may be some difficulty in making a diagnosis, because, some ailments are having nearly similar clinical features. Moreover, infrequently occurring diseases or a newly emerged disease may not be identified easily, especially by a general practitioner. Under these conditions, a specialist’s opinion may be required. Very rarely, a group of doctors is involved in the practice of identification.
It is not possible to name every disease we encounter in our day to day practice. Following the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), a notable proportion of ailments can not be named. In such cases, a diagnosis is possible despite having many health-related symptoms from the individual. Since the patient is suffering, he’s got to be treated symptomatically. Some signs or conditions are wrongly understood as ailments by the laymen. By way of example, clinical manifestations like jaundice, fever, vomiting, headache, malaise, etc are not ailments; but clinical indications of some ailments. The naming of ailments is done on several bases. The majority of the diseases are named after the person who invented this specific disorder (Buerger’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Weil’s disease), a few diseases based on the area where the disease is common or identified for the first time (African sleeping sickness, Madhura foot, Japanese encephalitis), based on some peculiarity of these symptoms (Chikungunya), or the cornerstone of this organism responsible for the infection (Falciparum malaria, Amoebic dysentery, Bacillary dysentery), or the cornerstone of the affected organ (Myocarditis, Nephritis, Appendicitis), dependent on the cause(Alcoholic hepatitis, Wool-sorter’s disease), dependent on age (Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Senile dementia), based on pathology(Mixed connective tissue disorder, Mucopolyscaccharidosis), etc. ).
If a group of particular signs and symptoms are observed in a person, it’s known as a syndrome (Edward syndrome, Down syndrome, Laurence-moon syndrome). Nowadays, we hardly come across a patient with one disorder, whereas many patients are having a record of diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, idiopathic hypertension, acid peptic disease, senile dementia, degenerative joint disease, etc… Many ailments are classified under a certain group of ailments. For instance Degenerative joint disorders, Inflammatory bowel disorders, Psychosomatic diseases, Lifestyle disorders, etc… Here, each category consists of several ailments, but are grouped due to some common features such as pathological or etiological capabilities. Right here, you can understand benzene exposure attorney Louisiana.
When a person comes to the physician for the first time, instant disease diagnosis might not be possible due to various factors. But, considering that the presenting clinical features and history provided by the patient, the doctor can come to a provisional disease identification. After doing the laboratory investigations, the final identification is carried out by correlating the clinical trials with reports. However, the treatment isn’t kept pending till the last diagnosis, particularly in the event of life-threatening diseases like diphtheria, wherein the treatment needs to be started immediately when the illness is suspected, since, if we wait for the laboratory reports to come, the patient may be crucial. Some recent laboratory tests help in early identification, but the unavailability of sophisticated labs performing such evaluations is a major deficiency faced by several countries.
The development of science and technology has produced a revolution in medical science. Now the concept of disease diagnosis done only according to clinical evaluation is obsolete. It’s currently under the custody of several sophisticated machines and lab techniques, a few of them pose more risk to the health. However, the noteworthy point is, under all lab reports, a disclaimer is composed as”correlate with clinical trials”, which highlights the significance of case taking and clinical examination done by the doctor. In this age, the wherein doctor-patient relationship is interrupted, we encounter many patients stating that the doctor has abruptly prescribed the medicine or referred them for lab tests without asking many questions and performing any type of clinical examination.